
Monday, August 27, 2012

Four seasons in Nepal.

With the change in time and climate four seasons pass throughout the year . These four seasons are ; Spring ,Summer ,Autumn and Winter.

Spring is a breezy and blossomy season when numerous new flowers and plants decorate the beauty of the earth . It is a wonderful time when the trees bud . The flowers start blooming and the birds begin their singing . spring season is neither hot nor cold .  It is the season when everything  is fresh and sweet.

Summer season follows the spring . The days grow longer and hotter. 'The sun scorches  in this season . People come out of their homes and and roam around. The second part of this season is rainier . Farmers are busy in their field.This is the season to sow and plant for the whole year.

In Autumn days begin to get shorter. It is the season of harvesting . The  leaves of the  tree start to fall. The crops ripe. Frmers collect food for the whole year . The beginning of this season brings flowers like marigold.

Winter is cold . people wear thick dresses . Days aew shorter. Threes throw thir leaves away . Birds stay inside. People stay around the fire . It snows in many parts.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

What was the history of national unity in Nepal

Uniting all the different cast, region , religion, language and culture group people to achieve the national goal is national unity . National unity is necessary for every nation for its overall development . But the situation of Nepal at present is some what different . People are diversifying according to their caste , region,religion , language and culture.
Historically Nepal was united . Every people were first Nepal and then of their sectors and sub sectors.Their first Goal used to be the nation benefit . The people of Himal, Hill and Terai did have very less pride of their region in front of Nepal. Likewise different caste and religion people would also ahead for national goal.
But Nepal at present is dividing in various sectors. People are more selfish toward their sectors and sub sectors forgetting Nepal as a whole e.g. People of terai are fighting against the people of hill . Similarly people of one caste are fighting against other caste.
There is of course strength in unity .But Nepalese are forgetting this because of their belief in cunning political leaders . we , Nepalese , should search for unity in diversity . If all groups of people are united for national goal , Nepal will surely be developed within few years.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Nepal is an agricultural country

Nepal is still an agricultural country . More than 60 percent of Nepalese's income is based on agriculture. Agriculture is the best way to have state's economic growth because here is less industrial development . But the situation of Nepalese agriculture is not well improved . Almost all the farmers are either victim of traditional agriculture or the use of more germicides and pesticides.
Agriculture can be the best way for Nepal's economic growth because most of the industries here are agriculture based like sugar, jute, cigarette,noodles etc. Besides, the cash crops is very good way for the farmers economic upliftment . Herbal agriculture is the best way to get global market.
Agriculture on Nepal is not properly managed. The farmers are not well educated and well informed about the agricultural development . farmers do not get good market . The brokers are active to exploit both farmers and consumers . the state has not turned it is eyes toward proper market management . The irrigation system is also not proper in Nepal . It is the work of development planners . But they are not working in a satisfactory way .
But we must be hopeful to ward it . The day farmers get good knowledge about scientific farming method and market system the agriculture will be an entity for Nepal's economic growth and development.

Many rivers in Nepal

There are a lot of rivers in Nepal as we know that Nepal is rich in water resources. Rivers in Nepal flow with  great potential of hydroelectric power . Rivers in Nepal become helpful to agriculture if managed properly. But we know that rivers are flowing with very less output in Nepal.
Among fourteen zones ten are named with river . It means Nepal has great  resource of water . Besides big rivers there are a lot of small rivers which flow from .Himalayan region to southern Terai.
Rivers in Nepal have a lot of potential of hydroelectricity because they flow from the hills . The running water can easily produce hydroelectricity . It costs very less. Hydroelectricity is the cheapest one among all and running water can produce it more cheaply. Thus rivers in Nepal can be a great source of economic growth if better managed.
Besides electricity rivers in Nepal  can be used for irrigation . For this also flowing river water is easy to manage. irrigation increases agricultural product. Since agriculture is one of the sources of Nepalese's income, rivers in Nepal can be  great help.

But the situation is worse . Rivers are flowing worthless. We should do something for the better management of tivers to convert them into economic resource of Nepal.

Achievement of loktantra in Nepal

Loktantra is a system of governace in which people are powerful . It is the system of ruling people by the people .This way it is the reformed form of democracy .people's sovereignty is at the top in loktantra. Nepal elso has been a Loktantrik country. but the condition and power of people is still not at that level as Loktantra expects.
Multi-party democracy in Nepal was achieved in 2046 BS celebrate Loktantra was achievad in the 2063 BS.Every year was celebrate Loktantra bay on 11th Baishakh , Many Nepalese sacrificed themselves in the name of country to achieve Loktantra . After Loktantra is established in Nepal the king and minarchy was abdicated . The Constituent Assembly is the product of Loktantra.
Loktantra has brought a lot of benefits to the citizens. people's right s are ensured. the situation of domination and exploitation is decreasing the marginalized people like janajati and Dalits are being uplifted with different upliftment and conservation programs . The women are also being actively participated in development process.
Loktantra aandolan in Nepal
Loktantra assures all the citizens to be educated to know their rights and duties . But because of the greedy and cunning political  leaders the people are over aware about rights and less aware about duties . the political leaders are using the population only for their selfish aims. These are the demerits of loktantra . However ,Loktantra is the best ruling system in this 21st century.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

What part of land is covered with forest

satill larga part of nepal  is covered with forest.differenl kinds of forrest from the low land of terayi to the high land of himalayan region are found in nepal. Forest has economic, ecological and other in portance . the problem of deforestation  is increasing day by day which  be checked  for balanced economic and ecological  prosperity in Nepal .
Forests in Nepal is varied according to the altitude . The Terai region has thick forests with the big trees like saal, Sisau,etc. the hilly region has also thick forests with medium sized trees like Uttis , chilaune etc. and Himalayan region has thin forests with short herbs and shrubs.
Forests in Nepal can be a gook source of income . Big trees of Terai are used for timbers and furnitures. The hills and himal of Nepal are rich in medicinal herbs. Both of these products gave very high monetary value in the present market.
Forest is the place where a lot of wild lives run .So, forests maintain ecology and ecosystem . Since ecological concern is overwhelming in this age, forests have ecological importance too.
Conserving is more important than consuming . Thus the concern of conservation  should be together with with consumption . If these both can be managed well the situation of deforestation in Nepal can be checked to a great extent.

What are the wild animals found in Nepal

A lot of wild animals are found in Nepal. They are elephant, tiger , leopard ,deer ,rhino ,different kinds of monkey , wild, buffaloes,wild elephant etc. The animals like elephant , rhino and tigers are found in Teari region . Bear , dear, chital, monkey, leopard , etc. are found in Hilly and Terai region . And bear , dear, snow, leopards etc. Are found in Himalayan region  too.Wild animals in Nepal have economic and ecological  importance.

Wild animals are the source of natural resources. The tourism in this 21st century is heading more toward the nature . Thus the varieties of wild animals attract the tourists and the tourism industry blooms . the other thing is that the varieties of wild animals may be center of wild research and studies of wild animals may be center of wild research and studies worldwide. Besides, wild animals have great importance for the ecological balance .
But the fact is that the wild animals are decreasing every day in Nepal. it is because of deforestation on the one hand and illegal wild traffic on the other.
The wild animals should be preserved and conserved.
The strict law should be implemented for the wild traffickers. The afforestation should be encouraged . If we can conserve wild animals doing all these we will be able to use it as our asset in Nepal.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Government and general public aims of New Nepal

The New Nepal aims to achieve the development goals in a fast pace. Democracy is more institutionalized in New Nepal.People are expected to be the most powerful for the governance. Civil rights are ensured for the personal and social development . the marginalized and dominated group0 of people like dalits , janajatis and women are preserved . They are privileged too. The fixed quotas are preserved for them in every public service and excess.
A new inclusive constitution is a must to operate the nation . 601 Constituent Assembly members have been elected for that. The king has already been abdicated. But the cunning political leaders are now quarreling for the power forgetting those who sacrificed for all these achievements.
However we, the citizens, should be faithful to the country for the achievement of the targeted goals of New Nepal.