
Friday, August 17, 2012

Achievement of loktantra in Nepal

Loktantra is a system of governace in which people are powerful . It is the system of ruling people by the people .This way it is the reformed form of democracy .people's sovereignty is at the top in loktantra. Nepal elso has been a Loktantrik country. but the condition and power of people is still not at that level as Loktantra expects.
Multi-party democracy in Nepal was achieved in 2046 BS celebrate Loktantra was achievad in the 2063 BS.Every year was celebrate Loktantra bay on 11th Baishakh , Many Nepalese sacrificed themselves in the name of country to achieve Loktantra . After Loktantra is established in Nepal the king and minarchy was abdicated . The Constituent Assembly is the product of Loktantra.
Loktantra has brought a lot of benefits to the citizens. people's right s are ensured. the situation of domination and exploitation is decreasing the marginalized people like janajati and Dalits are being uplifted with different upliftment and conservation programs . The women are also being actively participated in development process.
Loktantra aandolan in Nepal
Loktantra assures all the citizens to be educated to know their rights and duties . But because of the greedy and cunning political  leaders the people are over aware about rights and less aware about duties . the political leaders are using the population only for their selfish aims. These are the demerits of loktantra . However ,Loktantra is the best ruling system in this 21st century.

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