
Thursday, August 16, 2012

What part of land is covered with forest

satill larga part of nepal  is covered with forest.differenl kinds of forrest from the low land of terayi to the high land of himalayan region are found in nepal. Forest has economic, ecological and other in portance . the problem of deforestation  is increasing day by day which  be checked  for balanced economic and ecological  prosperity in Nepal .
Forests in Nepal is varied according to the altitude . The Terai region has thick forests with the big trees like saal, Sisau,etc. the hilly region has also thick forests with medium sized trees like Uttis , chilaune etc. and Himalayan region has thin forests with short herbs and shrubs.
Forests in Nepal can be a gook source of income . Big trees of Terai are used for timbers and furnitures. The hills and himal of Nepal are rich in medicinal herbs. Both of these products gave very high monetary value in the present market.
Forest is the place where a lot of wild lives run .So, forests maintain ecology and ecosystem . Since ecological concern is overwhelming in this age, forests have ecological importance too.
Conserving is more important than consuming . Thus the concern of conservation  should be together with with consumption . If these both can be managed well the situation of deforestation in Nepal can be checked to a great extent.

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